TANDEM Partner

TANDEM language exchange, created and registered by Tandem International (also called TANDEM Partner), is a method of practicing languages with native people, in couples carefully selected by our staff according your age, background and interests, that can improve your language learning even more quickly. It’s a fun and effective way to learn Spanish and to make friends at the same time.

Communicating, speaking, conversing, talking are all principal objectives of the program. To this end, students can have a TANDEM partner, a linguistic exchange with a Spaniard.

These exchange encourage and facilitate students comprehension as well as increase their vocabulary while providing an opportunity to practice conversation with a native speaker. This opportunity puts to practical use what is learned in class.

Learn and make friends!

You and your partner meet to speak the languages you both are learning, practicing first one and then the other. Together you will not only improve your linguistic knowledge, you also will get to know other aspects of each other’s culture and life style.You also can find interesting activities besides usual meetings to practice Spanish with your TANDEM Partner.

Start your study abroad experience in Spain