True friends: Spanish that you already know


After learning greetings in Spanish, is time to acquire new vocabulary vocabulary with the so called “true friends”, words that mean the same in both languages. Many of these words are “cognates“, meaning that they have a common etymology, or have been borrowed from other languages. As you must have already noticed English and Spanish have so much in common. You will be quite surprised by your own knowledge. Let’s try out! How many words do you already know “en español”?

teléfono telephone
museo museum
taxi taxi
diccionario dictionary
estación station
aeropuerto airport
hotel hotel
bar bar
teatro theater
euros euros
cinema or cine cinema
música music
actor actor
animal animal
artificial artificial
chocolate chocolate
doctor doctor
fauna fauna
final final
formal formal
general general
honor honor
horizontal horizontal
material material
motel motel
opinión opinion
regular regular
saliva saliva
sensual sensual
temporal temporal
total total
vertical vertical
álbum album
aroma aroma
canal canal
capital capital
clan clan
civil civil

Surprised ? You can practice these Spanish words right now! You can also print the PDF below to practice anywhere.

Learning a language takes time, specially when it comes to learn new vocabulary, so many words to learn! You might need these question structure to ask anything that calls your attention when learning Spanish. You can use it as many times as you want ;I am sure it will help to improve your Spanish vocabulary.
Play with your family and friends and challenge them!

Tip: how you can learn Spanish vocabulary in different ways

Most vocabulary words are learned from context. The more words you’re exposed to, the better vocabulary you will have. While you read, pay close attention to words you don’t know. First, try to figure out their meanings from context and see how many times your intuition is right, but they care some of them can be false friends. Read and listen to challenging material so that you’ll be exposed to many new words and ask, you can pose questions with this new question structure you have just learned.

Looking for more words? Check out this list in Wikipedia.

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