Numbers can be tricky sometimes; there are languages that have a very particular way of writing numbers. Numbers in Spanish, on the other hand, are quite easy to remember, because it’s a language mostly written as it sounds.
We divide Spanish numbers in cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
Números cardinales (Cardinal numbers)
Cardinal numbers are used to count things, referring to quantity. You can use it to talk about working hours, to count objects or to talk about money. Here you have some examples.
Ejemplos / Examples:
- Hay tres (3) manzanas en la mesa ⇒ there are three (3) apples on the table.
- Trabajó veinte (20) horas a la semana ⇒ He worked twenty (20) hours this week.
- Ella tiene un (1) coche ⇒She has one (1) car.
- Me dió cincuenta (50) dólares por mi trabajo ⇒He gave me fifty (50) dollars for my work.
Have a look at the following table with the numbers.
Español | # | English |
cero | 0 | zero |
uno | 1 | one |
dos | 2 | two |
tres | 3 | three |
cuatro | 4 | four |
cinco | 5 | five |
seis | 6 | six |
siete | 7 | seven |
ocho | 8 | eight |
nueve | 9 | nine |
diez | 10 | ten |
once | 11 | eleven |
doce | 12 | twelve |
trece | 13 | thirteen |
catorce | 14 | fourteen |
quince | 15 | fifteen |
dieciséis | 16 | sixteen |
diecisiete | 17 | seventeen |
dieciocho | 18 | eighteen |
diecinueve | 19 | nineteen |
veinte | 20 | twenty |
veintiún / veintiuno | 21 | twenty-one |
veintidós | 22 | twenty-two |
veintitrés | 23 | twenty-three |
veinticuatro | 24 | twenty-four |
veinticinco | 25 | twenty-five |
veintiséis | 26 | twenty-six |
veintisiete | 27 | twenty-seven |
veintiocho | 28 | twenty-eight |
veintinueve | 29 | twenty-nine |
treinta | 30 | thirty |
treinta y uno | 31 | thirty-one |
cuarenta | 40 | forty |
cincuenta | 50 | fifty |
sesenta | 60 | sixty |
setenta | 70 | seventy |
ochenta | 80 | eighty |
noventa | 90 | ninety |
cien | 100 | one hundred |
mil | 1000 | one thousand |
un millón | 1000000 | one million |
mil millones * | 1000000000 | one billion |
un billón * | 1000000000000 | one trillion |
Important: please note that in Spanish, unlike English, one billion is “mil millones” (one thousand million, or milliard). A billion in Spanish in equivalent to a trillion in English.
Números ordinales (Ordinal numbers)
Ordinal numbers are used to bring order into situations, objects or people. We usually use them when we do lists or when we need to narrate a series of events. We get the idea of what goes first, second, etc. Here some examples.
Ejemplos / Examples:
- Primero 1º: Escribe tu nombre y dirección. Segundo 2º: Escribe tu trabajo y experiencia. Tercero 3º: Firma el formulario.
First (1st): Write your name and address. Second (2nd): Write about your work experience. Third (3rd): Sign the form. - María, primera. Gerardo, Segundo. David, tercero.María, first (1st). Gerardo, second (2nd). David, third (3rd).
- La primera palabra de mi bebé fue coche.My baby’s first (1st) word was “car”.
- La segunda mujer de mi padre es muy guapa.My father’s second (2nd) wife is very pretty.
- Vivo en el segundo piso.
I live in the second floor
Español | # | English |
primer, primero o primera | 1 | first |
segundo | 2 | second |
tercero | 3 | third |
cuarto | 4 | fourth |
quinto | 5 | fifth |
sexto | 6 | sixth |
sétimo | 7 | seventh |
octavo | 8 | eighth |
noveno | 9 | ninth |
décimo | 10 | tenth |
undécimo | 11 | eleventh |
duodécimo | 12 | twelfth |
decimotercer, decimotercero o decimotercera | 13 | thirteenth |
decimocuarto | 14 | fourteenth |
decimoquinto | 15 | fifteenth |
decimosexto | 16 | sixteenth |
decimosétimo | 17 | seventeenth |
decimoctavo | 18 | eighteenth |
decimonono o decimonoveno | 19 | nineteenth |
vigésimo | 20 | twentieth |
trigésimo | 30 | thirtieth |
cuadragésimo | 40 | fortieth |
quincuagésimo | 50 | fiftieth |
sexagésimo | 60 | sixtieth |
septuagésimo | 70 | seventieth |
octogésimo | 80 | eightieth |
nonagésimo | 90 | ninetieth |
centésimo | 100 | hundredth |
ducentésimo | 200 | two hundredth |
tricentésimo | 300 | three hundredth |
cuadragentésimo | 400 | four hundredth |
quingentésimo | 500 | five hundredth |
sexcentésimo | 600 | six hundredth |
septingentésimo | 700 | seven hundredth |
octingentésimo | 800 | eight hundredth |
noningentésimo | 900 | nine hundredth |
milésimo | 1000 | thousandth |
dosmilésimo | 2000 | two thousandth |
tresmilésimo | 3000 | three thousandth |
cuatromilésimo | 4000 | four thousandth |
cincomilésimo | 5000 | five thousandth |
seismilésimo | 6000 | six thousandth |
sietemilésimo | 7000 | seven thousandth |
ochomilésimo | 8000 | eight thousandth |
nuevemilésimo | 9000 | nine thousandth |
diezmilésimo | 10000 | ten thousandth |
millonésimo | 1000000 | millionth |
mil millonésimo | 1000000000 | billionth |
billonésimo | 1E+12 | trillionth |