Spanish has now become the second most important language for international communication, and the Spanish language opens doors to dynamic economies on both sides of the Atlantic. The Spanish language is therefore a highly important economic resource.
For directors who need to be prepared to establish relations with Spanish-speaking clients, for managers who need to give presentations and negotiate in Spanish, and also for expatriates and their families.
TANDEM offers a wide and varied range of possibilities in Spain’s capital city. Madrid represents a unique starting point for business; it plays host to a strong business network, various state institutions, and the headquarters of numerous banks, companies, and organisations. It also represents an ideal bridge with Latin America, whilst at the same time being linked with Portugal and North Africa.
From start to finish, TANDEM will organise your training programme according to the following steps:
We provide personalised advice from our Training Department in order to establish your objectives.
We will then analyse the needs of those taking part in the course with a level test, in order to further understand what your needs are.
We will decide on what type of course, seminar, or even special measures will be needed to ensure that you achieve your objectives.
We will organise groups, levels, timetables, and classes alongside your Training or Human Resources departments.
We will ensure that the most suitable teacher is chosen to take your classes.
We will provide reports which evaluate both progress and attendance.
We will also manage, if the client so desires, the subsidies provided by the Fundación Tripartita.
We are the reference point in terms of language training for many important businesses, not only here in Madrid and in Spain, but also abroad, including:
Our team works in different areas in order to provide the best possible service for our clients. From the quality of our teaching, up to a cultural programme and housing arrangements, we do everything we can to ensure that your course with TANDEM Madrid will be a pleasant and effective experience.
The Management:
Begoña Llovet
Matilde Cerrolaza