Madrid has also been the cradle of “bailaores” and “cantaores” of Flamenco. These include Mercedes López, La Chata de Madrid, who developed her singing career in the 19th and 20th century; Vicenta La Gitana, another “cantaora” from the same time who was the loving partner of the gypsy dancer Faíco, and the “cantores” El Canario de Madrid, El Canario de Colmenar, El Niño de Madrid, El Chato de Vicálvaro and El Chato de Las Ventas.
Madrid was also the birthplace of the dancer Eduardo Serrano, known as El Güito, who had Flamenco in his blood. A generation of Flamenco dancers from Madrid includes Teresa Vallejo, La Tati, Laura Gonzalez, Raquela Ortega, La Truco, daughter of the singer José Truco, and the dynasty of Los Pelaos.
If you want to become the next Joaquin Cortés or Sara Baras, or you simply want to learn the basics of Flamenco, so that you can better enjoy the different ferias around Spain or the tablaos you find in Madrid, the ‘Spanish and a Passion for Flamenco Course’ is the best option for you.
In this course you will not only learn how to communicate in Spanish, whatever your proficiency level is, but you will also master the basics of Flamenco, our most beloved universal dance and music.
The only requirement to enroll in this Spanish and Flamenco program is to be 18 or older. You can join the course any Monday throughout the year. However, if you do not have any knowledge of Spanish, then you can only join on the first and third Mondays of the month.