Spanish courses by video conference: your classroom anywhere

We are experiencing a moment that will forever change the way we see and live life, relate to other people, work, learn… But online and video conferencing learning has already been a reality for almost 20 years. Online education means time and resource savings, convenience, more productivity in the professional field, more profitability for companies and an advantage that makes it even more special: far from replacing face-to-face training, it merges with it and complements it.

Cursos de español por videoconferencia

Today, good Internet connections, together with powerful and increasingly affordable computers or smartphones, have allowed online teaching in general, and language teaching in particular, to evolve into an environment that is gradually becoming virtual: an alternative, digital world, fully integrated into our daily lives. Twenty years ago, people learned online simply by reading texts. Now we interact with people and software to create a learning program that fits our profile, our needs, and possibilities at all times.

TANDEM Madrid has been committed to online teaching for years because we always knew that this is the way to keep improving also the classroom training and our services as a whole. For this reason, when the closure of the educational centers in Spain was decreed due to the Coronavirus crisis (March 11, 2020), we were already prepared to attend to all our students through TANDEM Virtual, an environment that combines face-to-face Spanish classes via video conference with teaching materials and interactive lessons.

Tu aula en cualquier lugar

In the video conference classes, you can learn Spanish with a TANDEM teacher as if you were in the classroom: you see each other on webcam, you talk, you share your screen as if it was a blackboard, videos, audios, texts, and documents. This way of learning Spanish online is possible thanks to the combination of different digital platforms, such as the Digital Campus of the publishing house Difusión, but above all thanks to Zoom, a program for video conferences that is rapidly becoming popular due to the advantages it offers. In this video we can get an idea of how it works:

Zoom videoconferencias

Zoom is integrated into our Moodle platform, the most widely used Learning Management System in the world that allows students, in addition to video conference classes, to access other resources with which to continue learning on their own at any time, including previously recorded video conference classes (for the group mode), or to interact with other students.

Classes by video conference are available every day of the week, from 8 am to 10 pm (GMT + 1), in the individual (one to one) or group modes. They are 60-minute classes with preliminary planning, something very important for you to progress in your learning in a personalized way. Teachers will help you to define your objectives and needs, so that you can follow a clear program, allowing you to speak Spanish in a very short time.

Whether you are experiencing the effects of this crisis in your country or not, video conferencing classes will help you learn Spanish faster, where and how you want. You can be anywhere in the world learning with a native Spanish teacher, as if you were at our school, without having to travel.

The only thing you can’t have right now, and hopefully for a short time, is the feeling of walking the streets of Madrid to enjoy everything the city has to offer by touch, taste, and smell. We can’t give you a hug by video conference, so we’ll save it for when all this passes and you come to visit us again at TANDEM Madrid.

“Learn Spanish by video conference”

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