Our directors, Begoña Llovet and Matilde Cerrolaza, attended a very interesting seminar last September organized by Eduespaña on the Standards of Good Practice in International Education Programs.
For more than 20 years, TANDEM has collaborated with different colleges and universities offering very successful academic semester and summer programs. For this reason, we were extremely pleased to take part in this seminar on international education, the benchmarks of good practice and the strengthening of the relationships with educational institutions in the United States.
Clark University, Illinois College, George Mason University, Elmhurst College, Lander University etc., are just a few of the North American Universities that have had programs with us. We hope to add to this list new colleges and universities that are looking to set up their study abroad programs with an experienced partner in Spain.
The internationalization of teaching, the search for meaningful employment, the increasing importance of intercultural activities and relations and linguistic competency are the key words in the education field today. The number of institutions that include INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION as part of their mission statement has increased steadily over the past several years. Colleges and universities are cooperating with partners to an increasing degree in order to fulfil their internationalization goals and exchange models are being reinvented in creative ways.
TANDEM has contributed to internationalization, employability and the development of intercultural and linguistic competency through active programs that address these needs. The programs have been created around these concepts and all show a clear humanistic focus. The creativity, honesty and quality of the teaching carried out in TANDEM is a contribution to the student’s personal and academic development which, no doubt, will be an asset of the utmost importance to them in their future.
Begoña Llovet