2020 is just around the corner. We say goodbye to 2019 to welcome a new year full of dreams and resolutions to fulfill. Join the gym, eat healthier, quit smoking, find a partner, and the list goes on and on. More and more people are adding the learning of a new language in their New Year’s resolution list.
Among them, Spanish stands out as a language of the future that everyone wants to learn. Here are some reasons why learning Spanish should be at the top of your list:
1. The power of the Spanish language in the world
The Spanish language is everywhere. As the Instituto Cervantes’ annual reports “Spanish, a living language” show, the overwhelming power and presence of Spanish will continue to grow in the coming years. It is the second most largely spoken language in the world by the number of native speakers (after Mandarin Chinese) and there are about 580 million speakers of Spanish worldwide.
In countries like the U.S., Spanish is the second most studied language and already has practically the same official language status as English in some states. In other countries, such as China, compulsory Spanish language teaching is already being introduced in schools. And the same thing happens in so many other countries where working as a SFL teacher has become a safe bet.
2. Tourism
The wide demographic presence of Spanish in so many countries around the world makes tourism one of the reasons why Spanish is in fashion. Being able to communicate with locals on three continents allows us to get to know cultures and societies much more closely. This expression explains it best: “You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you only live once.”
Knowing Spanish opens the doors to Hispanic America, Equatorial Guinea, and Spain. Many places with a great tourist appeal and natural wonders can be enjoyed twice as much if you know Spanish.
3. Culture
Great Spanish-speaking artists of all eras have created internationally recognized artistic productions that will prevail forever. If we look at Spain, authors such as Miguel de Cervantes and his acclaimed Quixote, or poets such as Bécquer, Lorca, Machado or Rosalía de Castro shared his work in Spanish. It is easier to access Spanish-speaking film directors, singers and other cultural figures in their mother tongue. The culture in each Spanish-speaking country is very different from each other, which makes it a vast and deep melting pot with many realities.
4. The people
Spanish speakers are warm, friendly and hospitable people. Spanish speakers enjoy life in society and are generally extroverted. The wonderful climate in their countries contributes to this outgoing personality.
5. The gastronomy
Countries such as Spain have the Mediterranean diet, declared many times the best diet in the world. Its wide variety of ingredients and healthy foods make it a healthy and easy diet. If we look at Latin America, Peru was chosen for the fifth consecutive year as the best culinary destination in the world in the World Travel Awards 2016.
6. It is easier to learn new languages
First, because knowing a second language activates our brain connections. This makes it easier to learn new tasks and has even proved to delay the onset of cognitive impairment. Also, learning Spanish has a great advantage: since it is a language belonging to the Latin linguistic family, it is easier to learn other languages belonging to this branch. Portuguese, French, Italian or Romanian, by knowing Spanish you are halfway done!