Interview with Begoña Llovet in ‘Gentleman’.

If a dog is a man’s best friend, tell me: who is a woman’s worst enemy?

She herself falls into the trap of the continuous and shameless pressure on her appearance and image: I get dizzy watching the advertisements for anti-cellulite, anti-wrinkle, slimming, toning, magic dyes and other lies. It looks as if we are sick!

I consume, therefore I am: so many centuries of philosophy to arrive at this “single thought”?

It is possible to consume by thinking, by transforming society: to consume consciously, to know what we consume and why.

Which organ do you think is more ailing: the brain or the heart?

Both, because we insist on separating them.

What are we mortgaging, irretrievably and forever, to the puppies that come after us?

Mother nature, the clear sky, the transparent waters, the animals, the earth. We are damaging the planet by leaps and bounds, and it will be very difficult to stop this barbarism in which we are immersed and in which we are destroying ourselves.

What is still unknown to the vast majority of people about Germany?

The tenderness they are capable of in their friendships, their commitment to nature, their interest in other cultures, their eagerness to travel, their civil courage, the beauty of the German language… And once they get used to being greeted with two kisses, they never miss an opportunity to practice the healthy custom of Mediterranean kissing.

This is not right! To what?

To 80% of the population consuming only 20% of the available resources and the remaining 20% consuming 80%.

What are today’s women as afraid of making mistakes as yesterday’s women?

In the choice between freedom and compromise.

What is the name of that staple item that is not sold in any hypermarket on this planet?

Love. I share this idea: “love and do what you want”.

Answer without haste. What or who makes almost all of us worse people?

Ignorance and attachment: they prevent us from growing and loving.

I have been told that you are a wonderful cook. So have a couple of eggs, and tell me: what would you do with them?

A French omelette for Mr Hollande. It is going to need a lot of strength.

(See the interview in pdf)
